Do I get instant access to Paid and Free channels via MyTelly service?

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MyTelly is a service designed to allow you to access any geo-restricted service listed on our services page. This page can be found in the link below:

MyTelly supported services list

For all the channels listed as Free, you can access them right away as long as you have an active subscription to our service.

As an example, the channels listed below will be available to you from anywhere in the world as long as you have an active subscription with us:



In addition to free channels, our service also supports Paid channels.

Please note: In the case of Paid channels, you will need to have an additional subscription with the Paid service provider, in addition to our service (to access their content).

As an example, the channels shown below all require an additional subscription on top of your My Private Network subscription:



If you need any further clarification on the use of our service, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] and we will get back to your asap.